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Install Redis on Ubuntu – Simple Steps to Boost Your Server Performance

Why do we like to store things? Whether physical objects or digital things, we like to keep everything stashed away so we can access them easily and fast if we need them someday.

Do you remember those old phones we used with very limited memory space? 10 photos and one quality video file, and oops, the “memory is full” message would pop up.

So what did the technical developers and technicians do?

They created tiny memory storage for all kinds of digital devices like our phones and laptops, and the 1 TB external hard drives were the cherry on top of all memory devices. With these memory gadgets, we could save space on our phones and laptops, which led to better performance and higher execution speed. Today more than ever, we need snappy devices that execute our demands and requests in seconds, and memory gadgets play a huge role in this.

Now, can you guess what Redis is? If you’re guessing it has something to do with memory enhancement, you’re correct.

First, let’s dive into the basics and then discuss why and how to install Redis on Ubuntu.

What Is Ubuntu Redis?

Redis (or Ubuntu Redis) is short for Remote Dictionary Server, an advanced, high-quality open-source memory software primarily used for sorting data and caching purposes. Redis is supported on most POSIX systems like Linux, BSD, and Mac OS X and is known for its performance and speed improvement features.

Let’s talk more about cache, the number one reason why Redis is so popular.

Think of cache as a temporary database that can load data faster than regular memory storage. Data is stored in its original location, but when it is also stored in cache memory, it can be loaded and accessed much faster.

Now that you know what Ubuntu Redis is, let’s move on to how to install Redis on Ubuntu.

How to Install Redis on Ubuntu?

In this section, we want to cover the steps to install Redis Ubuntu 20.04 or, more accurately, how to install Redis server Ubuntu. You can follow this guide to learn how to install Redis on Ubuntu.

  1. Run an Ubuntu VPS on your Ubuntu system and connect to it via an SSH terminal.
  2. Type the command below to update the APT repository.
    sudo apt-get update
  3. Type and press Y and then hit Enter to install Redis server Ubuntu.
    sudo apt install redis
  4. Check version to check whether the steps to install Redis Ubuntu 20.04 were successfully executed.
    redis-cli --version
  5. Type this command to check the Redis server status:
    sudo systemctl status redis

If you see “Active: active (running)” in the output report, it means your Redis server is installed and enabled and you have successfully completed the steps to install Redis on Ubuntu.

You can use this command to stop the Redis service:

sudo systemctl stop redis

If you see the “Active: inactive (dead)” message in the output, it means Redis is disabled.

To restart Ubuntu Redis, type this command:

sudo systemctl restart redis-server

What Are Redis CLI Commands & Their Purposes? 

CLI is short for Command Line Input and is basically an intermediary program that translates text inputs into operating system friendly lingo. In the 1960s, there were no graphical user interfaces (GUI), and CLI commands were the primary way of using computers. Check out Ubuntu Redis popular commands and their purposes below:

  • To configure a certain file: Redis-server /path/redis.conf
  • To assign a value to a key: APPEND key value
  • To delete a key: DEL key
  • To find matching keys with the same pattern: KEYS pattern
  • To determine a key’s length: STRLEN key
  • To determine multiple keys’ values: MGET key [key …]
  • To reset a key’s value: GETSET key value

It’s essential to familiarize yourself with Redis commands after you install Redis on Ubuntu so you can get the most out of Redis.

CLI commands are editing commands used for:

  • String quoting and escaping
  • Changing or modifying hosts, ports, passwords, and database
  • Enabling SSL/TLS to configure a trusted root certificate bundle or directory
  • Receiving input from other commands via the standard input
  • Continuously running the same command to monitor certain content or information
  • Mass insertion of data using
  • Enabling CSV (Comma Separated Values) output feature to export data from Redis to an external program
  • The debugging facility of Lua scripting
  • Handling connections and reconnections to different instances (hosts, ports, etc.)
  • Clearing the terminal screen
  • Monitoring Redis instances in real-time via the Continuous stats mode feature
  • Publishing messages in Redis Pub/Sub channels using the PUBLISH command
  • Monitoring the latency of Redis instances
  • Executing remote backups of RDB files

And more.

Ubuntu VPS; The Main Prerequisite for Ubuntu Install Redis

To execute Ubuntu install Redis steps successfully and securely, you first need to find a reliable VPS. VPS is a Virtual Private Server, and although you don’t really need it to install Redis server Ubuntu, it’s best to use one, because:

  • VPS is designed to handle high loads of data transmission and management.
  • Ubuntu VPS offers 99.95% uptime which is a must for having a responsive web structure.
  • VPS ensures no data loss when the system is under heavy load due to traffic spikes or hosting errors.
  • VPS protects your Ubuntu Redis against malicious attacks and data hijackers.
  • VPS offers scalability and flexibility to change or modify your cache server and more.

Cloudzy cloud VPS is equipped with NVMe SSD storage and DDR4 RAM to increase performance by a huge degree. What’s best about Cloduzy Ubuntu VPS is that you can test it at a reasonable price, and it comes with 99.95% uptime guarantee. So, you know beyond a shadow of doubt that you’re server is accessible and running almost all the time.

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Wrap Up

Redis is an advanced open-source memory software designed to help users access data faster. You can install Redis on Ubuntu, Mac OS X, and most POSIX systems. There are two ways you can install Redis on Ubuntu:

  1. Ubuntu VPS
  2. CLI commands

We covered both ways in this article, but it’s best to use Ubuntu VPS to install Redis on Ubuntu because:

  • Our cloud VPS offers 99.95% uptime and can handle high loads of data transmission.
  • Our cloud VPS is secured with advanced encryption tools to shield your system from malicious attacks and cyber threats.
  • Our cloud VPS is completely customizable based on your needs, so as your business grows, you won’t have to worry about data loss or managing traffic spikes.

At Cloudzy, we offer a wide range of virtual private servers, all designed to tailor to our client’s needs; reach out to us to find out more.

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Why should I install Redis on Ubuntu?

Redis is a fast, advanced, open-source memory software developed to enhance system’s speed and performance. Here are reasons why you should install Redis Ubuntu 20.04:

  • Reduces loading time on web pages because of its caching feature
  • Speeds up the data retrieval process
  • Allows users to execute multiple transactional processes
  • Improves communication between different parts of applications

Can I install Redis on everything?

You can, but keep in mind that Redis, although a fast, in-memory database, comes with limitations based on your system’s RAM size. If you want the best performance out of Redis, the maximum data you store on it should be no more than 1/3 of your RAM size.

What is the difference between Redis and MySQL?

  • Redis is a nonrelational database equipped with built-in replication, Lua scripting, and LRU eviction, used for real-time and fast memory access and management.
  • MySQL is a relational database written in SQL language, which makes it an excellent choice for improving web applications’ performance.

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