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Best Cloud VPS — 2024 Edition

Best Cloud VPS — 2024 Edition

Best Cloud VPS — 2024 Edition
Updated on November 25, 2023
0 Comments13 mins read

From the days of shared hosting, technology has come a long way in developing newer, better hosting solutions. The latest, and probably most exciting, hosting solution is the Cloud VPS. The best Cloud VPS hosting is all about improving simple virtual private servers for better efficiency and easier user experience.

There’s one major difference between Cloud VPS and normal VPS. This main advantage differentiates Cloud VPS hosting from all forms of hosting services. If you are eager to learn more about this service and where to find the best Cloud VPS hosting, keep reading!

What is a Cloud VPS?

A Cloud VPS is the offspring of combining Cloud computing and virtual private servers. Let me break it down for you. Cloud computing, in a simple definition, is the process of managing, storing, and processing our data online through a network of servers hosted on the internet.

A VPS, Virtual Private Server, is an isolated virtual environment on a physical server. Basically, virtualization technologies like KVM will slice a physical server’s hardware resources like RAM, CPU, and storage into smaller fractions to create multiple virtual machines.

Now, if you combine these two technologies, you’ll get a Cloud VPS. The key advantage of Cloud VPS is resource allocation. Instead of using a portion of one physical server’s resources, Cloud VPS’s resources are split between multiple servers.

Best Cloud VPS in 2024

Now that you know what a Cloud VPS is, let’s review all the top Cloud VPS providers in the market. Stay tuned and learn how to choose the right provider after the list!

Speaking of the best Cloud VPS provider needs one assertive and complete answer. And our answer is Cloudzy.
PAYG Payment
PAYG Payment
99.95% Uptime
99.95% Uptime
High Performance
High Performance
Reasonable Prices
Reasonable Prices

We offer our Cloud services with the support of top-tier technology and exceptional infrastructure. We also have cloud-based VPS for a wide range of servers. It’s not just about hosting a website, you can get Cloud servers specifically dedicated to gaming, trading, etc. We’ve got all the determining features of an excellent Cloud VPS: security, support, seamless integration, or scalability. Our servers are unmanaged and come with full root access, so you can play around and customize your Cloud VPS based on your preferences. And with our prices starting at $4.95/m, Cloudzy is also the cheapest Cloud VPS. Don’t hesitate to start your hosting journey with our Cloud VPS and get your VPS today!

Fastcomet is a top Cloud VPS hosting provider that claims to be the premium hosting service that people need.

They offer quality services with a 45-day money-back guarantee. However, Fastcomet has two major problems; a lack of customization options and expensive plans. Both of these drawbacks root in the same issue. Fastcomet includes lots of fancy features in its plans. With other providers, you usually need to get these features separately, which is reasonable cause you may not need all those built-in features. And since almost everything is included, you don’t get a chance to customize your plan.

45-day money-back guarantee
Managed VPS plans
Few customization options
Overly expensive prices
  • Features & Advantages
  • Pricing Plans
Available Locations
15 Locations
10 Locations
24/7 Support
Payment Methods
Credit Cards
American Express
American Express
Money-Back Guarantee
Akamai (formerly known as Linode) strives to enhance the accessibility, affordability, and simplicity of virtual computing. The company offers 11 global markets through its data centers worldwide.

Akamai (Linode) aims to empower developers and businesses by giving them the necessary tools and resources to build, deploy, and scale applications effortlessly and with a reasonable price in the cloud. However, Linode users are forced to work with a panel that is not exactly user-friendly. On top of that, if you have any questions, you must wait for ages to get a response from the support team.

Next Generation Network
Advanced APIs
Dynamic scaling
Hard to work with dashboard
Irresponsive technical support
Low variety of operating systems
  • Features & Advantages
  • Pricing Plans
Available Locations
15 Locations
11 Locations
24/7 Support
Payment Methods
Credit Cards
American Express
Credit Cards
American Express
Money-Back Guarantee
As a cloud VPS provider, InMotion stands in a pretty good place in the market. Their unmanaged Cloud computing plans come with full root access; hence you have no limitations in choosing your OS.

Another notable advantage of InMotion’s plans is the variety of options. This ensures users with different needs and budgets can choose what fits them. However, since their plans are only Linux-based, they don’t offer Windows servers which is a disappointing limitation for so many users.

90-day money-back guarantee
Unlimited bandwidth
Poor technical support
Longer plans don’t include a discount
No support for Windows servers
  • Features & Advantages
  • Pricing Plans
Available Locations
15 Locations
3 Locations
24/7 Support
Payment Methods
Credit Cards
American Express
American Express
Money-Back Guarantee
DigitalOcean is a cloud VPS provider with suitable plans for a wide range of users, from small businesses to large corporations. Its plans fit different hosting purposes and server use cases. Its cloud-based virtual machines are called Droplets.

Droplets are, in fact, cloud servers that run Linux as their operating system. Droplets come in three shapes; Standard, General Purpose Performance, and CPU Optimized Performance. In our comparison table, we have included the standard plan. Although DigitalOcean is a great provider, many users have repeatedly reported they have troubles with the panel since it’s not beginner-friendly. They also tend to answer with automated support messages, which can make things even harder for beginner users.

Affordable price range
Rich knowledge base
Not beginner-friendly
Unreliable Support
  • Features & Advantages
  • Pricing Plans
Available Locations
15 Locations
9 Locations
24/7 Support
Payment Methods
Credit Cards
American Express
Credit Cards
Money-Back Guarantee

Differences Between a VPS and a Cloud VPS

Now that you’re familiar with what a Cloud VPS is, let’s dive into the main differences between a VPS and a Cloud VPS:



These two hosting solutions are built on different infrastructures. A VPS, as explained earlier, is a physical server that’s divided into a number of sections with the help of virtualization technology. But the infrastructure supporting a Cloud VPS is a network of interconnected physical servers. This type of infrastructure gives you access to a large server pool, allowing efficient resource allocation. This privileged access to a server pool is the basis for all dissimilarities between a traditional VPS and a Cloud VPS.


VPS hosting is fairly scalable, meaning you can expand your resources as your business grows. However, the scalability of VPS hosting is not nearly comparable to the scalability offered by Cloud VPS hosting. Cloud VPS hosting is like you’re connected to a vast source of technical resources. So, it allows you to scale up or scale down your resources to adjust your hosting plan with the current state of your business. So, if you have a growing project and need to easily widen your horizons, a Cloud VPS plan suits you better. Another thing to note about scalability here is that when you have a traditional VPS plan, you can scale up your resources, but scaling down your resources wouldn’t be possible. This problem is wisely mitigated in Cloud VPS solutions.


Even if your VPS provider guarantees 99.99% uptime, there’s still a tiny chance that your server crashes down from time to time. A traditional VPS doesn’t have a plan B for such scenarios. On a Cloud VPS, however, a smart plan B is implemented into the network. If a server experiences downtime, another server will bear the workload without you even noticing. This fault-tolerant design is possible due to redundancy in the server pool and makes Cloud VPS a highly reliable hosting solution. But server downtime is not the only place where this strategy comes in handy. If, for example, your website experiences a sudden rush of visitors, a traditional VPS should do its best with the available resources. And if the resources aren’t enough, the server won’t be able to keep up with the traffic, resulting in longer laid time and a laggy website. In the same scenario, a Cloud VPS can easily take more resources from the pool and compensate for the new demand.
Pricing Model

Pricing Model

The pricing strategy depends on your provider’s policies. However, most VPS providers offer their plans with fixed monthly or annual rates. For Cloud VPS on the other hand, the pay-as-you-go (PAYG) method of payment is more usual. This usage-based payment method bills you for the resources you’ve used and is more cost-effective than other methods.


In the previous features we reviewed to compare VPS and Cloud VPS, there was no place for debate that Cloud VPS transcends traditional VPS in many cases. Security, however, is a bit of a tricky comparison. Traditional VPS is an almost infallible technology when it comes to security. Thanks to virtualization software, your VPS is perfectly separated from the rest of the physical server, and by adding extra layers of security, you don’t need to worry about attacks. On a Cloud VPS, you switch your space across different servers, making your website a tad more prone to security attacks and breaches.

Now, let’s have an overview of the differences between VPS and Cloud VPS:

DifferencesShared HostingVPS HostingCloud VPS Hosting

Dedicated Resources



Fairly low


At risk of breaches



Fairly reliable

Highly reliable


Usually cheap

Depends on the provider

Most cost-efficient option due to PAYG

How to Choose the Best Cloud VPS

Now, let’s review the most important criteria for choosing the best Cloud VPS provider.


1. Performance

When choosing a Cloud VPS plan, you should consider your technical needs. For example, you should know how much CPU, RAM, and storage you need to start with. The location of the provider’s data centers is also important to get the most out of your Cloud VPS. The data centers shouldn’t be distant from your target audience to reduce latency and improve performance.

2. Scalability

Although Cloud VPS plans are inherently scalable, different providers offer different scalability options. If you consider your business a rapidly growing one, you should definitely check the provider's scalability options before purchasing a Cloud VPS plan.

3. Reliability

A high uptime guarantee results from robust infrastructure. So, you should go with providers that have built their services on top-tier infrastructure with modern technology. Reliability is crucial for users who want their servers to be constantly running like Forex traders. For this type of user, server downtime is considered a lethal accident with financial loss.

4. Security

The importance of security and data protection is a crystal clear matter for the best Cloud VPS provider. When buying a Cloud VPS plan, you should check the server security level and the additional security features the provider offers. For example, Cloudzy’s Cloud VPS offers DDoS protection as a strategic defense against DDoS attacks.
customer support

5. Customer Support

Managing a website on a server may raise some questions and technical challenges. A responsible provider that offers full technical support is a must for your business’s success. So, make sure you choose a provider that offers 24/7 technical support.

Wrapping Up

In conclusion, when comparing Cloud VPS with traditional VPS hosting, it becomes evident that Cloud VPS offers numerous advantages that make it a superior choice for many businesses and individuals over traditional VPS. Cloud VPS provides cost efficiency by allowing users to pay for the resources they use, scaling up or down as required. The scalability feature gives you optimal performance and resource utilization. Additionally, the reliability, availability, and performance of Cloud VPS are enhanced by the underlying infrastructure and the interconnected network of servers. Cloud VPS is the ideal choice for those seeking a flexible, reliable, and cost-effective hosting solution, and by choosing the right provider, you can get the most out of Cloud VPS benefits.


emma bennet
Emma is a content creator with an interest in digital marketing. She has been working as a writer and social media specialist for a few years. She enjoys hanging out with her dogs and writing great blog posts.


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