Contabo Alternative VPS Providers: A Detailed Comparison for 2024

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contabo alternative

Finding the right provider can feel like a balancing act between cost, performance, and reliability. Contabo is a VPS provider that is known for its budget-friendly pricing. That’s why it’s a popular choice among users who want to save on hosting costs. Although Contabo’s low prices are, in fact, appealing, you have to be cautious because it comes with trade-offs. If the low prices lure you in at first glance, after a while, you might find yourself frustrated by its limited features, such as the lack of CDNs and advanced security options. Many users have also reported inconsistency in the performance of their Contabo VPS. Regardless of what you use a VPS for, performance is not something you can afford to compromise.

Besides these shortcomings, Contabo also lacks proper support. During its time in the market, Contabo has left many users disappointed with a less than helpful support team that fails to provide enough instructions and solutions to the users. This can be especially frustrating when you’re dealing with technical issues.

Given these limitations, it’s worth exploring other VPS providers that offer more robust features, better performance, and reliable support. Whether you’re looking for a more powerful infrastructure, a user-friendly interface, or simply a better overall experience, there are several strong Contabo alternatives that might be a better fit for your needs. In this blog, we’ll explore some of the top contenders and help you decide which one suits your requirements best. But before we get to the comparison, this table summarizes all the information and tells you what Contabo alternative fits you based on your priorities.

Priority Feature Contabo Alternative
Lower Costs DigitalOcean
Wider Range of Cloud Services OVH
Enhanced Website Performance Hostinger
Deployment Speed Vultr
Reliability Hetzner
Overall Best Cloudzy
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What Are the User-Reported Drawbacks of Contabo?

Although I have mentioned a few disadvantages of Contabo, I think it’s fair to look at those issues from a more technical perspective.

Backup and Data Management Issues

One of the critical drawbacks Contabo users have reported is an inadequate backup system. The process of recharging backups is often slow and cumbersome, so it’s difficult to maintain consistent and secure backups. This can be a huge problem for businesses handling confidential client data, where reliable backups are crucial. The lack of an integrated and efficient backup solution forces many users to look for third-party tools. So, some users may fall for Contabo’s low prices, but the fact that they have to invest in third-party tools for reliable backup adds to the overall costs.

Unreliable Server Performance and Downtime

Contabo’s server reliability is another area of concern. Users frequently report repeated server downtimes, with these outages often going unreported on Contabo’s status page. This lack of transparency can leave users in the dark about ongoing issues. And it all gets worse when support tickets go unanswered for days. Furthermore, the frequent and unannounced switches between data centers and server reboots add another layer of instability. These issues make Contabo a less reliable choice for those who require consistent uptime for their services.

User Experience and Support

Contabo users also complain about the user experience. Contabo’s control panel is outdated and difficult to navigate and makes server management more embarrassing than it should be. The initial setup process can also be time-consuming. Additionally, Contabo’s customer support has been described as virtually non-existent, with long response times and unresolved issues that frustrate users every day. Contabo relies on email as the only support channel, which makes users feel isolated when dealing with technical problems.

These issues highlight the potential risks of choosing Contabo, especially for users who require reliable performance, strong support, and user-friendly management tools.

Why Is Cloudzy The Best Contabo Alternative?

When looking for an alternative to Contabo VPS, Cloudzy stands out as a great choice that effectively addresses many of the shortcomings users experience with Contabo. Cloudzy is a VPS provider with a solid track record since 2008. Since its launch, it has significantly expanded its reach, now boasting over 15 active server locations across the US, Europe, and Asia. This wide geographical coverage allows users to have low-latency connectivity, no matter where they or their clients are located. Remember that Contabo has only 12 data centers in limited locations.

One of the key areas where Cloudzy shines is in customer support. Unlike Contabo’s often-criticized support system, Cloudzy offers a responsive and knowledgeable 24/7 support team that is ready to help you with any technical issues. This is complemented by a comprehensive knowledge base that is filled with detailed instructions to help you manage your VPS effectively. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or new to VPS hosting, Cloudzy’s support infrastructure makes sure you get the technical assistance you need.

Cloudzy also provides a user-friendly experience through its intuitive control panel to make server management straightforward and hassle-free, an area where Contabo has struggled. Cloudzy also offers a cost-effective Pay-As-You-Go model, which means you only pay for what you use. This way, you can avoid costly pricing structures that some users find problematic with Contabo.

In terms of performance, Cloudzy uses powerful AMD EPYC™ processors with turbo speeds of up to 3.23 GHz. So you can be sure your cloud server runs smoothly and efficiently. This, coupled with advanced features like DDoS protection, root access, and the flexibility to choose from pre-installed operating systems, makes Cloudzy a strong choice for those who need reliable and high-performing VPS hosting.

All these on-point features make Cloudzy the ideal alternative to Contabo for anyone who wants to upgrade their VPS experience with zero trouble.

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Contabo vs DigitalOcean: Who Should Choose DigitalOcean Over Contabo?

If you’re a developer who wants a VPS provider that emphasizes scalability and ease of use, DigitalOcean is a great choice among Contabo competitors. DigitalOcean’s management panel is way more intuitive and user-friendly. So, it allows for faster deployments and simpler management of your servers. While Contabo offers competitive pricing, DigitalOcean has a clear and straightforward pricing model. This way, you know exactly what you’re paying for, with no hidden costs.

Another key advantage DigitalOcean has over Contabo is its responsive 24/7 customer support. Although DigitalOcean may not have as extensive a global reach as some competitors, it has been expanding its data centers to offer better coverage.

For developers who need reliable infrastructure, a smooth user experience, and strong support, DigitalOcean provides a more robust environment than Contabo, especially if you care about uptime and ease of use. If you want to learn more about DigitalOcean and where it stands in the market, you can read our other blog on DigitalOcean alternatives.

Contabo vs Vultr: Who Should Choose Vultr Over Contabo?

In the Contabo vs Vultr debate, Vultr has some strategic advantages to offer, especially if global reach and scalability are your priorities. With over 30 data centers worldwide, Vultr provides diverse geographical coverage. So you can expect low-latency connections across different regions with Vultr. Contabo, on the other hand, has fewer locations, so its global performance is limited.

Vultr also excels in ease of deployment and claims you can spin up services in under 60 seconds. It also offers features like elastic load balancing and pre-configured templates, which streamline management and scaling. These features are useful for web hosting and applications that require quick scaling.

However, it’s important to mention that Vultr’s support is not available 24/7, and it lacks a comprehensive knowledge base, which can be a disadvantage for less experienced users. So, Vultr doesn’t provide a strong point for the support issues that users have with Contabo. Additionally, while Vultr promises 100% uptime, it has struggled to maintain reliable service, with some users reporting frequent downtimes.

So, choose Vultr if global reach, fast deployment, and scalability outweigh your need for consistent support and reliability. And if you’re curious to learn more about the advantages and disadvantages of Vultr, read our comprehensive blog where we discuss if Vultr is still reliable in 2024!

Contabo vs Hetzner: Who Should Choose Hetzner Over Contabo?

When comparing Contabo vs Hetzner, Hetzner stands out for users who prioritize performance and reliability. Hetzner is a well-established European VPS provider with a history dating back to 1997 with a strong track record for reliability. Hetzner’s services are fairly reliable, so it’s a more dependable choice if uptime and consistent performance are important for your operations.

While Hetzner’s data center locations are more limited, with facilities in Finland, Germany, and the United States, it excels in delivering stable and reliable service within these regions.

However, Contabo offers significantly more bandwidth in its basic plans than Hetzner: 32 TB compared to Hetzner’s 20 TB. This makes Contabo a better choice for data-intensive applications or businesses that require extensive data transfer capabilities.

In general, if you need a VPS provider with proven reliability and a long-standing presence in the industry, Hetzner is a superior alternative to Contabo.

Contabo vs OVH: Who Should Choose OVHcloud Over Contabo?

When comparing Contabo vs OVH, OVH emerges as a stronger choice for users who need better security, global infrastructure, and a wider range of cloud services. OVH provides advanced DDoS protection as a standard across all plans. While Contabo also offers DDoS protection, OVH’s extensive experience in this area provides an added layer of confidence.

OVH also has a more extensive global presence, with data centers in over 20 countries across multiple continents. This wide network reduces latency and offers better performance for international audiences.

And lastly OVH provides a broader range of cloud services beyond VPS hosting, including public and private cloud options, object storage, and dedicated servers. If you anticipate growth and change on your business, this versatility in the number of plans can help you easily scale your Cloud services.

In general, OVH is a great option for you if your priorities include enhanced security, global reach, and access to a broader array of cloud services.

Contabo vs Hostinger: Who Should Choose Hostinger Over Contabo?

When comparing Contabo vs Hostinger, Hostinger has some advantageous features like ease of use, faster customer support, and better website performance optimization.

Hostinger is known for its user-friendly interface. So, it’s an excellent choice for beginners and those users who prefer a straightforward hosting experience. Contabo, in contrast, has a more complex and less intuitive control panel, which can frustrate less technical users.

Hostinger also offers a range of performance-boosting features, including LiteSpeed caching and a custom-built caching plugin to enhance website speed. These features result in faster load times and better overall performance for web hosting. While Contabo provides basic performance, it lacks the advanced optimization features that Hostinger includes in its plans.

So, overall, Hostinger is a wise choice for you if you value a user-friendly experience, responsive support, and features that boost website performance.


When choosing the right VPS provider, you should balance your specific needs against what each service offers. While Contabo provides affordable hosting, it has limitations in performance, support, and user experience. These limitations may push you to explore better alternatives. Providers like DigitalOcean, Vultr, Hetzner, OVH, and Hostinger each offer unique advantages that could make them a better fit, depending on your requirements.

Among these, Cloudzy stands out as a top Contabo VPS alternative, especially for users who want a reliable, globally distributed VPS with excellent support and powerful performance. With our Pay-As-You-Go pricing, advanced security features, and intuitive control panel, you can expect a flexible hosting solution that will change your cloud experience forever. If you’re looking for a VPS that combines affordability with top-notch features, Cloudzy’s Cloud VPS is well worth considering.

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What are the main factors to consider when choosing a Contabo alternative?

When choosing a Contabo alternative, you should consider factors like server performance, uptime reliability, customer support, available features (e.g., backups, security), and overall ease of use. Pricing and geographical server locations are also are also important, depending on your specific needs.

Which VPS provider is cheaper than Contabo?

Some VPS providers, like DigitalOcean and Vultr, can offer cheaper plans than Contabo, especially for entry-level configurations. However, pricing depends on the specific resources and features you need. If you’re looking for a reliable and affordable VPS, Cloudzy is the best choice for you.

My writing is all about details. I think everyone should understand technology easily, and I try my best to make that happen.


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