We have Updated Our Acceptable Use Policies

At Cloudzy, we have always promised a reliable, secure, and high-quality service. As part of that promise, we have recently updated our AUP (Acceptable Use Policy) in order to provide a safer, more secure environment for all users. The update includes the following policies:

  1. Ensuring Clarity: The updated policy is designed to provide clarity and detail regarding the appropriate use of our VPS services. We believe that a well-defined policy contributes to a positive experience for all users.

  2. Avoiding Confusion: We understand that policy changes can sometimes lead to confusion, especially for long-term users. To prevent any misunderstandings, we encourage you to carefully read through the updated policy. This will help you stay informed about the changes and how they may impact your usage of Cloudzy’s services.

  3. Security and Reliability: As part of our ongoing commitment to offering secure and reliable services, these policy updates are in line with our core values. We believe that a clear and comprehensive AUP enhances the overall security and performance of our platform.

  4. Preventing Abuse: Our goal is to maintain a respectful and abuse-free environment for all users. The updated policy helps us identify and address any activities that may compromise the security and quality of our services. By adhering to the policy, you play a crucial role in upholding the integrity of the Cloudzy community.

To read the full update, please visit our Acceptable Use Policy page.

We would like to thank you for respecting these policies and helping us in fulfilling our promises. We appreciate your business with us and always value your comfort, safety, and loyalty.