A Big Challenge Awaits, and We’re the Proud Sponsor!

Get ready for an exhilarating experience at ASIS CTF, the ultimate gathering of brilliant cyber enthusiasts from across the globe. This prestigious event offers a unique opportunity to participate in various challenging categories such as Crypto, Web, Reverse Engineering, PWN, and Forensics.

We are thrilled to announce our collaboration as the proud sponsor of ASIS CTF QUALS 2023. Mark your calendars for September 22nd to 23rd, as this event promises to be an unforgettable adventure in the world of cybersecurity.

In order to ensure a secure and safe digital environment, it is crucial to address sensitive topics like cybersecurity through collaboration, devoid of any hidden agendas. Each stride taken towards empowering cybersecurity holds immense significance, and Cloudzy is committed to contributing its fair share in this endeavor.