Official Statement from Cloudzy Regarding Reuters News Article Dated August 2, 2023

Cloudzy is deeply concerned, and surprised, by the allegations made by Halcyon in their recent publications. First, Cloudzy wants to state unambiguously that we do not cater to nor welcome any malicious activity on our infrastructure. Second, Cloudzy wants to re-emphasize that we comply with all applicable laws, including those related to export control. Cloudzy is committed to promptly responding to, and remediating, reports of abuse that may occur on our infrastructure. Cloudzy has numerous policies and technical controls to identify and prevent malicious activity as well as ongoing plans to augment these efforts. Abuse of our system is considered a breach of our policies and treated as such. Cloudzy does not believe that the research is accurate, and it lacks the requisite substantiation and justification. Further, it is imperative that we do not criminalize the provision of technology-neutral infrastructure, simply because there are malicious actors seeking to do harm.

Our infrastructure provides the ability for thousands of small, medium, and large businesses to conduct legitimate activities at a competitive price. It is imperative to address sensitive subjects such as cyber security with a focus on collaboration and without any ulterior motives. Creating an adversarial atmosphere is incompatible with achieving the common goal of ensuring a secure and safe digital environment.

Cloudzy PR Team