Host a Space Engineers server online and enjoy gaming by your own rules with Cloudzy. Successfully host and manage a lag-free server with a 10 Gbps network connection and 99.95% uptime.
Years Experience
7 Days
Money-Back Guarantee
Online Support
Created VPS
With a 99.95% uptime guarantee, your Space Engineers server will be up and running 24/7, allowing you to be a full-time space engineer.
With a 10 Gbps internet connection speed, there's no laggy connection between you and your game server; you can fight space battles non-stop.
Get a free and pre-installed OS. All you have to do is set your preference.
It's your Space Engineers server, and you rule it. Take advantage of full control over the server and customize it to your desire.
Have full admin/root access to your Space Engineers server and control every aspect of your operating system and VPS
Become a professional space wanderer and break the limits with Cloudzy's Space Engineers server.
At Cloudzy, we offer both Windows and Linux as the operating system for our game server hosting. We offer all versions of these operating systems for free and pre-installed on our servers. Based on Steam's suggestion, Windows 10 64-bit is the best operating system for Space Engineers.
Don't know how to set up a Space Engineers server? No worries, we've got you covered. The guide below walks you through every step of a Space Engineers server setup in a straightforward way. You can always contact us to ask questions regarding your VPS.
Explore Cloudzy's VPS hosting solutions and choose one that best suits your needs. Contact us and we will help you find the perfect fit for you!