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How to Open a New Ticket with Cloudzy’s Support System

We always encourage our users to contact us by submitting a ticket and asking us any questions they have. This guide will teach you how to create a new ticket with our support system.

Step 1: Create a New Ticket

First, click on the support > New Ticket button to open a new ticket to contact the support team.

Opening a ticket

Step 2: Fill Out the Form and Submit Your Request

Now, you need to fill in the information required by our support team. You can also upload an image if you want. After doing so, click on the Submit Ticket button and wait for a response from the support team.

Usually, we will see and respond to your request less than 24 hours from the submitted time.

New ticket form

Step 3: Follow the Thread and Check Ticket Status

Every ticket has its own thread of messages. You will be emailed every time support agents respond to your tickets. At the end of your conversation with our support agents, you can change the ticket status to resolved. You can also continue the thread whenever you need just by replying to the ticket.

Ticket thread

Our support agents are experienced technical experts and are always welcoming your questions. So, don’t ever hesitate to contact us!

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