Cloudzy Cloud VPS Service-Level Agreement

Our Pledge to Exceptional Service

At Cloudzy, our unwavering commitment is to deliver reliable and high-performing cloud VPS services that meet your expectations. Our Service Level Agreement (SLA) is a testament to our dedication to your satisfaction. We are committed to maintaining the availability of our cloud virtual private servers at 99.95%.

Compensation with Service Credits

Our Monthly Availability Percentage is calculated by deducting the percentage of minutes during the month when any Cloudzy Service experienced Unavailability from 100%. Our objective is to transparently and accurately gauge our performance, excluding Unavailability as defined below:

In the unlikely event that Cloudzy's services do not meet the Monthly Availability Commitment, we are determined to make amends. We will offer you Service Credits in the form of credit equal to the following percentages of the total monthly value of your active VPS for the calendar month when unavailability occurred:

  • Monthly Availability Percentage Less than 99.95%: 20%
  • Monthly Availability Percentage Less than 95.0%: 100%

Claiming Service Credits

To request a Service Credit, the process is designed to be simple. Just open a support ticket within 15 calendar days of the suspected incident via the Cloudzy Control Panel. After confirming that the Monthly Availability Percentage falls short of the Monthly Availability Commitment, we will provide you with the Service Credit by the end of the calendar month.

Our monitoring tools, data, and records serve as the sole sources of information used to track and validate Availability. Service Credits will be issued to the entity or individual invoiced for the relevant Cloudzy Service. These credits can be applied to future invoices for the same Cloudzy Service.

Service Credit Eligibility

To qualify for Service Credits, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Your Cloudzy Account must be active and in good standing without any outstanding payments for the Cloudzy Service.
  • You must comply with the Cloudzy Terms of Service and the Acceptable Use Policy at the time of the incident.
  • The incident must not result from your failure to meet your security responsibilities as outlined in the Cloudzy Acceptable Use Policy.

Please note that the Service Credits specified in this SLA represent your exclusive remedies for any incidents occurring during your Service Term for the Cloudzy Service or for any other claims related to this SLA. The total Service Credits issued for all incidents within a given month will not exceed 100% of the monthly invoiced amount for Cloudzy Services.

Unavailability and Service Credit Calculation

Unavailability of a Cloudzy Service is defined as the absence of external connectivity. Our Unavailability assessments include the following scenarios:

  • Scheduled Maintenance: Planned maintenance activities required for service enhancement and optimization.
  • Prohibited Activities: Service interruptions resulting from non-compliance with our Acceptable Use Policy.
  • Force Majeure and Unforeseeable Events: Unavailability due to unforeseen events beyond our control, including force majeure events and unforeseeable circumstances.
  • Outdated Software and Updates: Service disruption due to your use of outdated Cloudzy Services or third-party software, or failure to implement essential updates.
  • Client Infrastructure and Resources: Unavailability arising from issues within your infrastructure, including hardware, software, or other technology resources, and external elements not under our management.
  • External Service Providers: Downtime caused by third-party service or facility providers, such as telecommunications or internet services, and issues beyond our control, such as network complexities.
  • Security Incidents and Anomalies: Service unavailability due to denial-of-service attacks, security breaches, or uncommon software, hardware, or service anomalies without a commercially reasonable and recognized remedy.

In the rare instance of Unavailability, we will compensate you in line with the Service Credit Percentage, as detailed earlier. We aim to provide you with peace of mind and a trustworthy service.