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How to install IIS on Windows 10?|Complete Guide to Windows 10’s Required IIS Components🏆

No matter which version of Windows you’re using, this article gives you a complete and step-by-step guideline on how to install IIS on Windows 10 and other platforms such as Windows server 2019, 2012, and 2012.

Microsoft has hit the tech market with its excellent IIS service, which has topped all the rivals and been the most popular web server for Windows. You can make sure of your web application and website’s high performance after installing IIS on your Windows server. As the name gives us a hint, IIS works best on Windows OS. However, you could use it on other platforms like Linux, but it won’t give you reliable performance.

What is IIS?

Internet Information Services (IIS) is a flexible and standard web server from Microsoft that runs on Windows systems to serve the requested pages or HTML files. The IIS server runs on the Microsoft .NET platform on Windows OS.

Also Read: Install and Update .NET Framework on Windows 10

The IIS server receives requests from remote computers and, in return, responds with the correct response. That allows web servers to share and transmit data to all local and online networks.

Information sent to users is displayed in many ways, such as static web pages, through file exchanges such as downloads and uploads, and text, images, and more.

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How Does IIS Work?

IIS operates with the help of standard protocols and programming languages. For things like text, buttons, image insertion, direct link/character, and hyperlinks, IIS uses HTML. HTTP is used to exchange information between a web server and a user.

HTTPS – HTTP over Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) uses Transport Layer Security or SSL to encrypt additional data security communications. File Transfer Protocol (FTP), or its secure alternative, FTPS, can transfer files. Additional supported agreements include Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), sending and receiving email. The processes mentioned above and other languages ​​and conventions together form an appropriate IIS package.

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How To Install IIS on Windows 10?

If you are using virtual machines such as Windows VPS, you must connect to Windows via Remote Desktop. The following steps are also helpful if you’re looking for how to install IIS on Windows 8, or Windows 8.1.

Step 1: open the launch section

Press the Windows + R key to open the launch section.

open launch section

Step 2: Type appwiz.cpl

Now type appwiz.cpl in that section and hit Enter. That opens Programs and Features in Windows 10.

open programs and features by run

Step 3: Turn off Windows features

On the Apps and Features page, click Close or turn off Windows features.

turn off windows feature

Step 4: Check the IIS services

In the list of features, search the Internet Information Service (IIS), check the IIS services according to your needs, and press OK.

check iis service

Step 5: Restart the computer

After the installation, restart your computer to complete the installation.

restart your computer after installing iis

You can now access IIS in your browser by entering the 127.0.01 address on the local network. Moreover, you can have access to your IIS web server remotely by entering your server’s IP address in your browser. It looks like this: 185.156.x.x

Please note: Your IIS directory on your device is: C: \ inetpub \ wwwroot. You can copy this directory and have access to your website files or other files via an IIS web server using your browser.

Note: These steps are almost the same if you’re looking for how to install IIS on Windows 7.

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How To Install IIS on Windows Server 2012

The process is almost the same for other versions of the Windows server. The following steps are also helpful if you’re looking for how to install iis on Windows Server 2016.

Also Read: How to install Linux Bash on Windows 10?

Step 1: open the launch section

To install IIS on Windows Server, press the Windows + R keys to open Run.


open launch section

Step 2: open the launch section

Type ServerManager in the launch box and click OK. That opens the Programs and Features box on Windows Server 2012. [ or any other version you’re using.]

install iis on windows 10

Step 3: Add roles and features

Click on the “Add roles and features” in the newly opened window.

add roles and features

Step 4: Installation Wizard

Now, the Installation Wizard will appear Click Next.

Step 5: Select role-based

Look for roles based on a role or based on a feature and click Next.

Step 6: Select a server from the server pool

Now, click on the “Select a server from the server pool” from the window, then select Server and click Next.

Step 7: Check the Web Server (IIS) section

When you get to the Series Roles section, scroll down to the list, then check the Web Server (IIS) section and hit Next.

Step 8: Click on Add Features

Click on Add Features, do not forget that the checkbox click “Install management tool (if available)”

Step 9: Click on the Next

Keep the default features as they already are, then click on the Next.

Step 10: Click on the Next

Click on the “Next” when you’re done with the Web Server Roles (IIS) text.

Step 11: Select web Server roles and Click Next

Click on the “Next” after selecting the Web Server roles as shown in the following image.

Step 12: Install selections

Click on the “Install.”

When the installation is finished, close the installation wizard. You will see the main Internet Information Services (IIS) interface similar to the one shown below.

Please note: Your IIS directory on your device is C: \ inetpub \ wwwroot. Now you can copy and access your website files or other files via an IIS web server using your browser.

Note: All the procedures mentioned above will also help you on how to install IIS on Windows Server 2019.

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You just did it! Now that article has helped you on how to install IIS on Windows 10 and it’s running nice and smooth on your server; it’s time to ensure that your website is 100% functioning correctly, you’ll need a secure and cost-effective server.

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