
Understanding Cybersecurity Asset Management: Essential Practices and Benefits

What is CSAM

Imagine an organization with a vast array of digital assets like servers, databases, applications, and network devices that are spread across different locations. This organization needs to keep track of these assets, secure them, and manage their lifecycle. But since there are several assets, a lack of visibility and control can lead to vulnerabilities, non-compliance …

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What Is an IP Stresser, and What Is It Used For?

What Is an IP Stresser?

How much does network reliability matter to you? Do you have any plans on how to tolerate high traffic volumes? Have you ever wondered how network administrators protect their systems against potential attacks? IP stressers provide an efficient solution to these questions. An IP stresser can show you how much workload your system is able …

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Penetration Testing & Vulnerability Assessment: VAPT Testing Explained

vulnerability assessment vs penetration testing

VAPT testing, short for vulnerability assessment and penetration testing, is a combination of different methodologies used to identify and address cybersecurity vulnerabilities. Although they consist of different methods and aims, vulnerability assessment and penetration testing are often confused and conflated with each other. Overall, both vulnerability assessment and penetration testing, VAPT testing, offer a thorough …

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What Is the LDAPS Protocol? A Comprehensive Guide to the Directory Access Protocol

What Is LDAPS vs. LDAP?

Ever noticed how confidential documents are moved around? You put them in sealed envelopes and mark them with that big red CONFIDENTIAL stamp and send them out. And they never get opened no matter how many times they are passed over, until they reach their receiver. That’s exactly what LDAPS Protocol does when important information …

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Leading VAPT Tools in 2024: Essential Vulnerability Scanning and Testing Solutions

vapt tools

These days lots of cybersecurity threats are rapidly evolving and these threats put organizations in a vulnerable position. A single unpatched flaw in the organization can lead to significant breaches and potentially result in financial loss, damaged reputations, and exposed sensitive data. I believe this explanation should be enough for organizations to take vulnerability assessment …

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Mikrotik IPsec Site to Site VPN: A Step by Step Guide

mikrotik chr ipsec site to site vpn setup guide

As online censorship increases globally, many users are adopting VPNs to maintain internet access. While standard VPN solutions like OpenVPN and Cisco are usually effective, tougher internet restrictions in countries such as Russia, China, Iran, and Cuba can disrupt these services. In these situations, more sophisticated VPN solutions like the Mikrotik IPsec site-to-site VPN prove …

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UFW Command Explained: How to Install, Enable, and Manage Firewall Rules

ufw command syntax

If you’re a sysadmin, there have definitely been moments in your career that you wish you had a powerful security system that’s easy to configure and manage, without needing to delve into complex iptables rules. UFW, or Uncomplicated Firewall is a great network security tool that fills this gap by offering a straightforward interface. UFW …

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Network Penetration Testing: A Newbie Hackers Guide

Network Pentesting

Are you concerned about the safety of your digital assets in our hyper-connected world? In today’s age of constant connectivity, securing your online presence is non-negotiable. Filthy hackers and potential attacks are always lurking in the shadows. That’s why you need to know about Network Penetration Testing steps as a great solution in preventing cyber …

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Best WhatsApp Proxy – Communication Without Limitation

whatsapp proxy for iran china

In 2023, WhatsApp made an exciting announcement about ensuring all users have access to the app. In the announcement, WhatsApp mentioned that they are allowing all users to access the app via proxies, wishing that this action would help users from around the world connect to their loved ones without the restrictions of internet blockage …

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Google Dorking: Techniques and Protections

Google Dorking

I’m going to depict a very childish fantasy that we all shared as kids. Imagine you have a pair of magical glasses that let you find hidden treasures in a library. It’s a new visionary experience. These magical glasses allow you to see the invisible, the unnoticeable. Now, imagine having this superpower to discover hidden …

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Cloud Load Balancing: How to Optimize Resource Utilization?

Cloud Load Balancing

Imagine a four-way stop that doesn’t have a traffic cop. How would the heavy flow of cars be directed? The least disastrous thing that can happen in this situation is cars jamming up and traffic clogging the intersection. The way a cop or a traffic light can help in this situation is by directing the …

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Top 10 Instagram Proxies in 2024

best proxy for instagram

While in recent years, major communications and social media platforms such as Twitter, WhatsApp, and Telegram have moved towards greater implementation of in-app support for their respective platforms, Instagram is notably left behind. This is surprising as WhatsApp, which is also a subsidy of Meta just like Instagram, received its support for in-app proxies late …

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Check Open Ports in Linux – Mastering Network Essentials

Check Open Ports in Linux

If you’re a Linux network administrator, it’s highly important for you to know about ports and how to manage services on a network by manipulating them. Even normal Linux users may need to run these tasks. Imagine you want to access a port remotely. How would you do that if you don’t know whether it’s …

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How to Get Someone’s IP Address & How to Protect Yours Against Cyber Threats?

Your IP address is a gateway to a wealth of personal information, information that you often would rather keep under wraps. Ironically, this is a two-way street: you can get the same information about people if they’re not keeping their IP addresses safe. In this article, we’ll explore the fundamentals of IP protection and examine …

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10 Best IP Scanners for Efficient Network Management

best IP scanner tools for network admins

In today’s digital era, networks are crucial for businesses and personal use alike. As 2024 approaches, the importance of secure network management grows. This article explains what an IP scanner is, its benefits, and introduces the top 10 best IP scanner tools for efficient network management. While AI-powered advancements continue to redefine the technological landscape, …

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What is V2Ray VPN? An In-Depth Introduction and Installation Guide

v2ray vpn

There is little doubt that the global climate of the online world has found strong tendencies for censorship and limitation of users in recent years. Not only are autocratic governments around the world tightening their grip around their Internet spheres, but we are also seeing western countries moving in this direction. Even worse, the restriction …

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Best Twitter Proxy in 2023: Best Options for Free Private Twitter Experience

best proxy for twitter

Proxies are being rapidly integrated as part of the base designs of popular online communication and social media services. Late last year, WhatsApp introduced its native WhatsApp proxy support, while the likes of Telegram have had this native support for years. Twitter stands as the most popular social media in the world. In the wake …

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Best VPNs for ChatGPT: Experience AI with No Limitations

best vpn for chatgpt

Many technology experts believe our path in tech was forever changed with the introduction of ChatGPT in November 2022. And since then, we’ve often heard about it in the news and social media. We’ve heard about users’ shocked reactions, exaggerations about its intelligence, claims about its consciousness, etc. And all this ChatGPT news and a …

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What Is a Cold Wallet? 5 Best Cold Storage Wallets

best cold storage wallet

💡 Note: Safeguarding cryptocurrencies is crucial. Cloudzy VPS offers a secure, stable, and reliable environment for your crypto wallet, blending convenience with high security. With advanced protection, ensure your digital assets are safe from cyber threats. Your Secure VPS is Right Here In the realm of cryptocurrencies, ensuring the security of one’s assets is crucial. …

What Is a Cold Wallet? 5 Best Cold Storage Wallets Read More »