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How to Connect to a Linux VPS with xRDP

XRDP is the implementation of RDP on other operating systems, the Linux server in our case, which equips the user with the same features as RDP. This guide reviews how to connect to a Linux server using xRDP.

Install and Connect to a Linux server with xRDP

In this tutorial, we will show you how to install and connect to a Linux server, Ubuntu in our case, with XRDP.

Step 1: Install GNOME or Xfce Desktop Environment

As a preliminary step, we are about to install a desktop environment (DE) on Ubuntu since we want to interact with our Linux server by more than using commands only.

Note: Ignore this step if you are on a desktop version of Ubuntu.

Note: To successfully install a DE, we first need to add a sudo user on Ubuntu and run the associated commands using administrative privileges from there.

GNOME is a default DE in Ubuntu 20.04, and we only need to pass in a few commands to install it.

sudo apt update sudo apt install ubuntu-desktop

After running the last line, you are asked whether you want to proceed or abort the installation, as 2111 MB of additional disk space will be used.

Install GNOME

Type in Y and press Enter, and wait for a while until the GUI packages are completely downloaded.

There is also another DE called Xfce as the second option, which is fast and graphically appealing. Execute the following commands and the rest of the process is similar to installing GNOME.

sudo apt update && sudo apt install xubuntu-desktop
Install GNOME2

Step 2: Install XRDP

Ubuntu already contains the XRDP packages. Type in the following command to install them.

sudo apt install xrdp

XRDP will start functioning promptly after the completion of installation, but you may also check out the status of XRDP by executing the below commands.

sudo systemctl status xrdp

XRDP is unable to function properly just yet. Linux Groups have been defined for security reasons; as a result, certain users are denied access to certain files. We can manually grant users the required access if they need the extra privilege.

In this case, XRDP needs to read “/etc/SSL/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key”, but it is not a member of the associated group. Only the members of “ssl-cert” group are permitted to use this file. You are supposed to grant permission to XRDP users. Do so by executing the following command:

sudo adduser xrdp ssl-cert

Let’s restart XRDP to enforce the new setting.

sudo systemctl restart xrdp

Done! XRDP installation is finished.

Step 3: Check the IP address in Ubuntu

There are tons of ways to extract your IP address. One simple way that does not include distracting information is to execute this command.

hostname -I

Step 4: RDP connect on Local Windows or Linux

RDP connect

Now we are supposed to put in the last Lego brick of our fancy bridge to connect to the remote Linux machine. If your local machine is on Windows, you may use the default Remote Desktop Connection to build the connection. Just simply open RDC, which acts as Remote Desktop Protocol, pass in the remote server’s IP address and click on Connect.

Later on, you will be asked for credentials, and done! You are in control of the remote Linux server. If your local machine is on Linux (Ubuntu), you may choose GNOME Boxes to set up RDP. Type in the following commands:

sudo apt install gnome-boxes

Once the installation is finished, start GNOME Boxes and do as illustrated in the picture below.


After that, pass in the IP address of the remote machine and click on Connect.


In the picture below, the session should remain as Xorg. Also, you may pass in the remote machine’s credentials and click on OK to proceed.

Xorg session

At this point, you are connected to your Linux server. Congratulations! If you have any questions, feel free to contact us by submitting a ticket.

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