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Bandwidth payg billing

At Cloudzy, we offer Cloud VPS services with a pay-as-you-go (PAYG)
billing model for network consumption. This document aims to explain the
calculation of bandwidth usage and charges in different possible

1. Monthly Network Bandwidth

Each Cloud VPS plan includes a predefined monthly bandwidth limit,
which you can check on the Cloudzy pricing page. The allocated
bandwidth is intended to cover the expected network usage for a full
month. For example, the basic $4.95 plan comes with 1 TB bandwidth,
meaning that the bandwidth usage limit on this plan is
1 TB.

The monthly bandwidth limit is renewed exactly one
month (720 hours) after creating the Cloud VPS. For example, if you have
a Cloud VPS with 1 TB of bandwidth, after 30 days, you’ll again have 1
TB of bandwidth regardless of how much you’ve used.

2. Bandwidth Allocation:

As long as you have your Cloud VPS active for a month, your bandwidth
usage pattern doesn’t have to follow a balanced usage. You can use 500
TB of your bandwidth in the first ten days of the month and use the
other 500 TB in the remaining 20 days. However, if you
delete your Cloud VPS in the middle of the month, we
calculate the bandwidth limit based on the duration the service was

For calculating the bandwidth limit for a specific number of days, we
divide the monthly limit by the number of days in the billing cycle and
multiply it by the number of days the service was active. For example,
let’s say you get the basic $4.95 Cloud VPS that has 1 TB bandwidth, and
you delete your Cloud VPS after ten days. You’re only allowed to use 333
GB of bandwidth within 10 days (1000 GB / 30 * 10 = 333 GB). So, the
bandwidth limit for 10 days of usage is 333 GB. In the following
sections, we’ll cover how the price is calculated if you’ve used more
than the bandwidth limit.

3. Exceeded Bandwidth

Exceeded bandwidth refers to the data transferred beyond the
bandwidth limit
of the active period. To calculate the exceeded
bandwidth, we measure the total data transferred during the active
period and subtract the bandwidth limit of the active period from it.
Imagine you delete your $4.95 Cloud VPS after 10 days, and you’ve used
400 GB of bandwidth. This amount of usage is 67 GB (400 – 333 GB) more
than the bandwidth limit of 10 days.

4. Charges for Exceeded

If you exceed the bandwidth usage limit, the charges are based on the
actual amount of data that exceeds the limit. The
pricing for exceeded bandwidth usage is typically determined by a
predefined rate per gigabyte (GB) of data. Each GB of extra bandwidth is
$0.01. So, for example, if you’ve used 67 GB more than
the bandwidth allocated to ten days, you need to pay $0.67. This extra
cost will be deducted from your account credit when you
delete your Cloud VPS.

It’s important to note that even considering the extra bandwidth
cost, you’ll never pay more than the standard monthly cost of
the plan in a month
. To elaborate on this, take the basic $4.95
plan as an example. If the cost of the extra bandwidth plus the hourly
cost of the plan itself is less than the standard monthly cost (in this
case, $4.95), then the calculated bandwidth cost will be deducted from
your account credit.


You have used a basic $4.95 Cloud VPS for 10 days with 67 GB extra
bandwidth. The hourly cost of the plan for this period of time is $2.3
(10 days x 24 hours/day x 0.0068 dollars/hour). And the cost of the
extra bandwidth is 0.67 (0.01 dollars/GB x 67 GBs). The sum of these two
numbers is $2.97, which is less than the monthly cost of the plan. So
you only pay the whole cost of the extra bandwidth
you’ve used.

But if the cost of the extra bandwidth plus the hourly cost of the
plan for ten days exceeds $4.95, you don’t need to pay
the whole cost of the extra bandwidth. And what you need to pay is equal
to the whole monthly cost of the plan and not a cent more.


You have used a Cloud VPS with the $4.95 plan for 15 days. This plan
has 1 TB bandwidth limit. So, you can use 500 GB of bandwidth in 15
days. But in this example, you’ve used 800 GB, which is 300 GB above the
bandwidth limit. The hourly cost of the plan for this period of time is
$2.44 (15 days x 24 hours/day x 0.0068 dollars/hour). And the cost of
the extra bandwidth is $3 (0.01 dollars/GB x 300 GBs). The sum of these
two numbers is $5.44, which is more than the standard cost of the plan.
In this situation, what you pay for the extra bandwidth usage is
calculated by subtracting the hourly cost of the plan for 15 days from
the standard cost of the plan ($4.95 – $2.44 = $2.51). So, the cost of
your extra bandwidth is $2.51.

5. Bandwidth Package:

The scenario explained in the previous section is for when you don’t
have a bandwidth package, and your usage limit is determined by the
standard bandwidth of the plan. However, if you already know you’re
going to need more bandwidth, you can add extra
to your Cloud VPS. When you buy extra bandwidth,
you’ll only pay $0.005 for each GB of the added

Putting these two prices in larger scales can help you compare them
better. Imagine you use 1 TB of extra bandwidth and you haven’t added a
bandwidth package. That extra 1 TB of bandwidth costs you $10. But when
you add a bandwidth package and then use 1 TB of extra bandwidth, your
overall extra bandwidth costs $5.

We believe that by prorating the bandwidth allocation and charging
only for the exceeded usage during the active period, our billing method
ensures fairness and accuracy in calculating the charges for our

If you have any further questions or require additional
clarification, please do not hesitate to contact our support
. We are here to assist you and provide any necessary
information regarding our bandwidth calculation and billing process.

<BlogFAQSection data={[ { title: ‘What happens if I reach the
monthly bandwidth limit and my account doesn’t have enough credit?’,
answer: ‘As long as your plan has enough credit to support the cost of
your plan and the extra bandwidth, you’re fine. But if you don’t have
enough credit to cover the bandwidth cost, your Cloud VPS will be
suspended.’, }, { title: ‘Can I add a bandwidth package after reaching
the limit?’, answer: ‘Yes, you can add bandwidth before or after
reaching the bandwidth limit.’, }, { title: ‘Is the bandwidth limit
applied to my account or to each Cloud VPS?’, answer: ‘The bandwidth
limit is applied to each Cloud VPS separately and not to your whole
account.’, }, ]} />